
Natural language todo scheduling

Side Project

Framer Motion

React JS


I have always been a big fan of productivity apps, and in particular how software can positively contribute to our digital and physical lives.

There is a tonne of todo apps that already exist, but often people fret back and forth between different applications. The truth is everyone is different and that is why I decided to make an approach that worked for me.

Natural Language Processing

Instead of fumbling around a date picker Sched makes it easy to schedule a task by using natural language inputs.

Multi-Select Task Bar

When a user selects more than one todo item a task bar appears allowing the user to change multiple todos with a quick action.

Smooth Drag & Drop Re-ordering

Users are able to reorder their list of todos by simply dragging an item in the list, the other todos will shift places depending on where the target item is dropped.

This is an unfinished side project

Please check back soon to see new updates!